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Cover von 11; :output 11
International yearbook for works of students in design and architecture
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Year: 2008
Publisher: Mainz, Schmidt
Series: output; 11
Media group: Buch
Cover von : output 10
International Yearbook for Students in Visual Communication
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Year: 2007
Publisher: Mainz, Hermann Schmidt
Series: output; 10
Media group: Buch
Cover von :output 09
International Yearbook and Student Award in Visual Communication 2006
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Year: 2006
Publisher: Mainz, Hermann Schmidt
Series: output; 09
Media group: Buch
Cover von :output 06
International Yearbook and Student Award in Visual Communication 2003
Author: Interaction Design Institute <Ivrea/Italy> Search for this author
Medium identifier: BKG ; PK
Year: 2003
Publisher: Mainz, Hermann Schmidt
Series: output; 06
Media group: Buch